Smart Spaces

5 ways to improve life with Home automation

We spend our lives surrounded by smart devices so why should our homes be left behind? Here are 5 ways you can improve your life by adding home automation to it.

#1 Automate and control your lights from anywhere
Lights are one of the biggest energy consumers of our homes, often accounting for over 30% of a home’s energy consumption. Home automation helps you cut down on your electricity consumption by automatically adjusting to your daily routines and preferences. Motion sensitive lights can turn on and off when people enter a room, turn on the lights to seem as if someone’s home when you’re on a holiday and even adjust according to the time of the day.

#2 Save money on electricity bills
Home automation helps you save even more on your electricity bills by doing simple things we often forget to do. Like, turn off the fans, air conditioners or room heaters when one exits the room. Home automation also ensures that you are always comfortable, by allowing you to turn on the cooling or heating to your preferred temperature so that you can enjoy it as soon as you enter.

#3 Easy and affordable home security
Ever been stuck searching for your key while needing to use the loo urgently? With home automation, you can say goodbye to that scenario for sure! Use it to remotely lock and un-lock your doors and windows and forget about carrying a key around at all times. A smart home security system can alert you via your smartphone in case of any unauthorised movement or entry in your home too.

#4 Make your home smarter
Train your home to make the music follow you from room to room as you do your monthly deep clean, ensure your coffee machine has your coffee ready by the time you walk into the kitchen and much more with an automated home.

#5 Stay connected to your loved ones
No one waiting for your family to text back once they reach home, with home automation you can easily access your home and see them for yourselves. For parents of young chil-dren, a smart baby camera can keep them informed about their young ones including room temperature, activity and much more.