Smart Spaces

5 Common Misconceptions About the Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things, which was seen merely as comfort devices, has evolved into an inspiring world of applications that run on the Cloud, which connect multiple devices.

Whether you want a cup of coffee right when you wake up or need to check your power consumption, or even want to set an ideal temperature in your bedroom before walking in, all can be done in one click. Your smartphones can control half of your routine. The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly interlacing with every business and consumer product.

Despite that, several myths have started floating around this technology. Out of the many we could source, here are the 5 most common misconceptions:

Misconception #1: IoT is just another word for Machine-To-Machine (M2M)

IoT has many aspects of M2M, with data moving between devices, but it includes more than what a dedicated M2M atmosphere would imply. With IoT, there are normally one or more hosts on the Internet that act as a central repository and control system. IoT also implies remote monitoring and control, which is often a mobile device like a smartphone or a tablet, that has an application that also communicates with the host.

Simply put, one control – a smartphone for example – controls the rest of the hosts – your coffee machine, your blinds, your lights, to name a few. Arteor by Legrand is one such IoT enabled technology that connects your entire home to your smartphone.

Misconception #2: There’s no risk to security for organizations using IoT

Like any technology, the mass placement of these devices does incur some risk for organizations. With over 75% of IoT assets having insufficient data security features, organizations (especially those in planned industries like the financial sector) must be conscious of the potential threats. By understanding the threat environment, firms can implement the appropriate data security measures to neutralize the innate hardware and software vulnerabilities present in these devices

Misconception #3: IoT is all about consumer electronics

The fact is that the Internet of Things is a broad genre. It covers consumer as well as enterprise mobility. However, there has not been much headway in the enterprise sector, which is why most of the users limit their possibility to the consumer sector only.

Misconception #4: IoT devices must have wireless connectivity

In general, an IoT device must have some level of connectivity to connect with a host in the Cloud, a peer, or a router, although the connection may be transient. There will be a large number of wireless IoT devices, but wired devices can be linked using a variety of technologies from Ethernet to USB.

Misconception #5: It is easy to deliver an IoT product

This is what every vendor selling an IoT development solution wants you to believe, but getting an IoT device talking to a user application is just the beginning. The typical IoT development kit will let you do this in an afternoon. The challenge, however, is moving from a single IoT device to many, and then managing and monetizing it while maintaining reliability, security, and privacy.

Overall, there are a lot of things the internet would have you believe about this technology. The proof, though, is hard to find. This is why when adopting anew technology, research, and overlooking myths and misconceptions becomes the utmost priority.