Smart Spaces

5 Strange Smart home devices you didn’t know even existed

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you picture a smart home? Probably a smart assistant like Google Assistant or Amazon Echo. Or if you are interested in intelligent security devices, you might think about all the state-of-the-art security technologies you saw in the last sci-fi movie. Some may even think about smart thermostat systems.

All these devices are mainstream nowadays and are very useful too.

But for every useful device available there are 5-10 unexplainable devices available. Some are so strange that we are sure you wouldn’t have known existed!

The fast pace of the 21st century has bestowed on us a habit: eating fast. HAPIfork is a Bluetooth enabled smart fork which works like just any other fork. You dig it in your food and eat the food off it. The smartness lies in its sensors that track how fast you’re moving the fork, which helps you figure out how fast you’re eating. If you’re eating too quickly, it vibrates and lights up signalling to stop or at least feel a bit guilty about it.

This device is a smart coffee table. Now you might think that an intelligent coffee table will monitor the drink and food intake, your feet up time or how many biscuits you dunk in your drink. Wrong! Sobro has an inbuilt refrigerator, two USB ports, two power outlets, a touch screen, and LED lights. Who said Coffee tables are furniture of past?

There are many remote pet monitoring cameras available at a click of your fingertips.
But Furbo is more of a private pet keeper. There area two-way radio and cameras, and it responds when it hears barking. OH! and the quirkiest feature Furbo has is that it can shoot treats for your furry friends whenever you want it to. Furbo was developed with an ideology that pets are family, and they should be treated like family.

Eight Sleep
Eight Sleep is a smart bed cover that will turn your big old bed into a smart, sleek bed – not visually but in terms of functionality. It tracks 12 vital sleep metrics and gives you a daily report on sleep performance; this can help with improving sleeping habits and monitoring your sleep cycle. It connects with your other smart home devices through Wi-Fi. While smartwatches like Fitbit and Apple watch tracks when you slip or swirl in sleep, this smart cover has a lot more data. Data from this cover can cure your insomnia.

Quirky Egg Minder
The Quirky Egg Minder answers one of the most ancient questions:” Why can’t an egg tray be connected to the Internet?”
Creators of this product partnered with GE. This smart egg tray sends a notification to your phone when you are about to go eggless and saves you. It is equipped with LED lights that light up and indicates which egg is near to its expiration date. It is the cheapest on the list but may not be as luring.