Smart Spaces

Lighting Control Solutions For The Commercial Sector

Commercial lighting has come a long way. From the simple switches of days past to minimal smart lighting, there wasn’t much to excite in the commercial lighting sector. All this is a thing of the past, with a growing trend of sophisticated lighting control solutions which can be programmed to operate with little or no human intervention. So what is driving these changes in the commercial sector?

The Internet of Things or IoT is one of the primary reasons for this development. As our spaces get smarter, the need for interconnectivity becomes a driving force. The inherent flexibility of intelligent lighting ensures that commercial spaces can be easily programmed to meet future needs without any significant cost outflows or disruptions. Coupled with LED technology, intelligent lighting systems can save up to 75 percent or more of the running costs and the payback period can be measured in months instead of years.

The second reason for this change is the increased focus on employee centricity. Lighting control solutions provide human-centric lighting that increases alertness and focus during work hours and more relaxed towards the end of the day. Human-centric lighting also helps regulate natural circadian rhythms while promoting job satisfaction, reducing absenteeism and boosting productivity in the workplace.

An increasing number of states are providing builders and industries with benefits in an effort to reduce energy consumption and promote greener living. So far a little over eight states in India have laws that promote green buildings, but the number is rapidly increasing. With the central government also heavily promoting renewable energy, it makes sense for companies to adopt lighting control systems that can save up to 35% of energy costs.

Commercial buildings used to spend lakhs of rupees each year to keep vacant and unoccupied spaces lit through the night. Lighting controls can cut down on this expenditure with smart scheduling, presence detection and other systems to provide a healthy and energy-efficient working environment for all.