Smart Spaces

Why Should You Invest In Alexa?

Alexa, the voice-activated assistant of the latest smart gadget Amazon Echo is the most famous and widely accepted gadget in the market today. Amazon Echo is a speaker and Alexa is its built-in voice-enabled technology. Alexa can basically do everything. Right from telling one the weather, to playing music, to predicting traffic conditions and giving the latest news, tothe meaning of a word. Beyond this, Alexa can also help one in controlling the smart devices in and around the house. A range of internet-connected devices within the range of Alexa can be controlled by this device. Some of the smartphones having built-in apps can also control the household internet-based devices, however, the best thing about Alexa is that one can control using the voice instead of a smartphone and avoid the hassle of opening the app etc. Echo’s uses can be further expanded with the help of skills which are somewhat like apps. Skills can help one control the smart home devices like light bulbs or music devices, etc. All the available skills can be easily downloaded and they are free of cost as well.

One can pair Alexa with the lights in one’s home to create an automated, voice-activated illumination system. You can also connect them to your drapes to control them via voice commands. Doing so can help you save quite a bit on energy and heating costs, not to mention the convenience of it all.

The only cons of the device are that the smart device’s earshot may not pick up the voice-related commands, probably because of the proximity of Alexa to the user’s voice, or if there is a lot of background noise or if the battery of the device is low. Another major drawback of the Amazon Echo is that it can produce false positives. People have noted that their children have made unauthorized purchases or the device has been triggered by advertisements on the television. These are, however, minor inconveniences in the larger scheme of things.  
If handsfree convenience and having everything on call is your thing, then the Alexa is just the device for your home! Simply install it, sit back, and enjoy the wonders of a smart speaker!