Smart Spaces

Why You Should Adopt IoT

The Internet of things (IoT) holds different meanings to different people. IoT devices are now an integral part of the larger concept of home automation, which can include lighting, heating and air conditioning, media and security systems.

IoT aims to develop internet connectivity for daily purposes & convenience, and this greatly impacts our personal and professional lives, in many positive ways.

While there are many reasons why one should adopt IoT, here are just some of the key benefits of this technology:


With the growth of technology, and more importantly, network, data and voice have allowed our smartphones to become smart devices that allow us to connect, control and monitor various other devices. For example, if you are away from your home and someone is at your door, with the help of IoT you can see who it is, and give them access to your home – all from your mobile phone.


As for connectivity increases, the time and efforts to carry out a task reduce, hence you can now focus on bettering the task at hand and save time in the process. For example, imagine you are caught up with work and need to increase the brightness of the room. All you need to do is activate the Arteor IoT Dimmer through a voice command via Google Home or Alexa, and voila!


Smart products are becoming increasingly available in the market. Smart/connected appliances are now more common than ever, and users can integrate and connect with these products from their handheld devices. This gives users unparalleled convenience to activate and control their appliances/devices at will – anytime and from anywhere.


The acceptance of wearable technology is growing, and this has become a key area for users to monitor their wellness. Today, the application goes beyond personal well-being, as it is also widely adopted by healthcare institutions to monitor patients. NEAT is one such product from Legrand that offers such a solution.


As more and more people become connected, there is an increasing need for creating personalized experiences for the users. This allows users to have their settings recognized and stored by their smart devices. For example, through the Legrand Arteor MyHome Home Automation product, users can set different light and mood settings, allowing for their customized settings saved and ready to be used, whenever they want.

As technology evolves and acceptance increases, the benefits, and the importance of IoT will grow even more. To experience the possibilities of IoT at your home, visit Legrand’s nearest Innoval center.