Smart Spaces

Top 5 Connected Devices For Your Home

Devices that operate through voice commands are becoming increasingly common. They can be security cameras, smart lights, connected speakers or even smart doorbells. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the top 5 connected devices that are the hottest acquisition for a home.

#1 Connected speakers: Virtual assistants like Alexa and Google Home are making rapid inroads into our homes. Smart speakers can not only play music, games and search the internet but also act as a hub that controls your home devices. For example, a simple voice command can switch the lights on and off, run the connected coffee machine, or even set the oven on pre-heat.

#2 Connected door phones: For homeowners who are serious about their security. Door phones like Legrand’s Classe 300 are the ideal way to manage their security needs. All one needs is a smartphone and one can video chat with visitors at the door, remotely lock and unlock the door, set timers for lights or plant watering or call home directly.

#3 Motorised blinds: Blinds are an absolute necessity in our homes due to the heat and bright sunlight ever present in our country. Motorised blinds, especially are a major boon as they can be set up on timers to shut out the sunlight at its peak while drawing back to let the cooler evening air enter automatically even when you are not home so that you can enter a comfortable and cool home after a long day at work. Used effectively, smart blinds can help the homeowner make significant savings on their energy bills.

#4 Automated sensor-based lighting system: Smart lighting systems are on the rise. These super-convenient systems help the user control the lights through a voice command alone, a huge boon when one finds themselves in bed with the light still switched on. That is all not a smart lighting system can do. One can even pair the lighting system with dimmer switches and light changing LEDs, to transform room according to the desired setting.

#5 Robot vacuum: Clean your floors without lifting a finger with robot vacuums. These nifty little devices can be controlled from your smartphone to do all the dirty work while you’re at work so you can enter a sparkling clean home!