Smart Spaces

What to look for when buying the right door phone.

Door phones these days are essential home security devices. With our lives becoming increasingly convenient day by day, it has become difficult to keep a track of how many people come to the door. From food delivery, newspaper delivery to e-commerce delivery people, you forget each one of them the moment they leave your door. A door phone helps you in situations like these. They give you the satisfaction of knowing who is at your door, without actually having to open the door. Also with peepholes becoming obsolete, the door phone is now a must have for every home, as it gives you the convenience of talking to the visitor without opening the door.

But, with so many options and technologies available in the market, how will you choose the best one for you? To help you with that, here are some pointers to consider when buying a door phone.

1. Tamper-Proof – One thing to keep in mind when buying a door phone is to ensure that they are tamper proof. So be it during the day or night, you can rest assured that your door phone is secure.

2. Alarms – It is important that your door phone not just detects threats, but also notifies you of those threats instantaneously. Features like alarms, SOS buttons, etc. prove to be a deal breaker when buying a door phone.

3. Store Visitor Images – There are many people who come to your door. During such times, having a door phone system that takes and stores a visitor’s photo ensures peace of mind for you and your family. So make sure that your door phone is equipped with this important feature.

4. Locked Door – All of us have come across situations wherein we locked the door accidentally, and couldn’t open it. So, having a system with the door phone lock feature will allow you to unlock the door at just the press of a button. It will save you from the stress and inconvenience caused during such situations.

5. Power – Door phone systems run on power supply. However, a surge in power can damage the system, leaving it unable to do the job it is supposed to do. So, make sure that your door phone system comes with a feature that protects it from power surges. After all, you cannot afford to live without security.

6. Durability – If you are picking a door phone for a bungalow, you should ensure that it is weatherproof, along with being tamper-proof. Especially in India, where we experience weather conditions in its harshest forms, having a door phone that stands the test of time is essential.

7. Look – Last, but not the least. The design of the door phone system you choose to buy should complement your décor well. It is something we usually overlook for a more feature-rich product, but it plays an important part in maintaining the aesthetics of your house.

If you’re on the lookout for a good door phone for your home, these are the things you need to keep in mind before making the decision. Legrand door phones will integrate with your lifestyle and with your home in a matter of days. So, go ahead, and make a wise choice!